Our aim at Moston Lane Primary School is to encourage our children to become independent writers for a range of different audiences and purposes across different genres throughout the whole curriculum. Our writing curriculum provides our children with opportunities to be engaged and inspired by real-life events, educational visits, enrichment opportunities, curriculum links, film hooks and quality texts.
Writing is evident in every aspect of the curriculum at Moston Lane. The objectives of the National Curriculum are followed through the creation and use of our own progression of skills documentation. The age related expectations for Spelling, Statutory Spelling Requirements, Spelling Lists, Composition, Grammar, Punctuation and Terminology are indicated in this document which ensures coverage, target setting and challenge for all of our children.
Writing lessons are planned carefully and taught daily using Moston Lane’s Structured Creativity. This planning document outlines the teaching sequence and expected coverage of skills. Writing across the curriculum encourages the retention of skills, extended writing opportunities and further exploration of genre-specific competency.
The importance of spelling is embedded throughout all of our writing at Moston Lane. Children create and access spelling lists, word mats and dictionaries to support spelling during independent composition. There is an expectation that children learn spelling patterns and rules at home in order to complete our weekly spelling challenge.
Handwriting is taught explicitly. We teach fine motor skills, gross motor skills as well as correct letter formation and cursive script to ensure our children are prepared and equipped with the skills to practise and produce a neat, legible and fluent style.
Spoken Standard English is encouraged in our ‘Talk for Writing’ time using Kagan partners and teams. Our children are given opportunities to build and acquire a rich vocabulary.
Moston Lane upholds a positive writing ethos. Pupil enjoyment is paramount and we use pupil voice to monitor this. We enter competitions, publish work on our website and celebrate writing success in every team in our weekly celebration assembly.
Marking and feedback allows children to respond to teacher feedback and make instant progress or complete a targeted intervention based on their personal learning needs.
Formative assessment is apparent in all writing sessions through questioning, talk for writing and written evidence. Summative assessment occurs termly using our internally devised numerical system to track, monitor and show progress within every year group in line with the national bands of: pre key stage, working towards the expected standard, working at the expected standard and working at greater depth within the expected standard. Accuracy is sustained through internal and external moderation.
- Spelling, punctuation and grammar is assessed using:
- Weekly spelling tests
- NFER assessments
Our writing curriculum and assessment is built to ensure all pupils make good progress to meet or exceed age-related expectations and have an enriched cultural capital.
Below is the 'Progression of Skill & Knowledge map' which outlines the skills that will be taught throughout the year:
Progression of Skills and Knowledge
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Writing Policy
Handwriting Policy
Handwriting Awards
Our children are awarded with a sticker which they proudly display on their 'writing across the curriculum' book.
We use Read Write Inc. Spelling which is an interactive 15-minute-a-day spelling programme with activities to engage all. The children have their own workbook to use during each spelling session and a personal log book to note down any spellings they need to practise more. We encourage our spellers to only focus on the few letters they made an error with rather than the entire word.
The programme’s core activities teach:
alternative spellings of vowels
- alternative spellings of consonants
- homophones
- the impact of adding prefixes and suffixes to root words
- how to spell plural nouns
- ‘silent’ letters
- unusual letter strings
- word families
Click on the links to find out more about spelling expectations and how to help at home.
Year 1